Warning: This may be a trigger post for some.
Negativity. Why it is so popular, I will never understand. I used to be a negative Nancy myself, so I do understand how it can swallow you whole. Of course, I’m human and still have negative thoughts, so I get it. I really do. Sometimes life is the pits, and life with MS can feel like an extra ton of negativity on your back. The extra negativity can
unleash the Hulk in all of us from time to time. BUT, one thing I will never understand is why people choose to stay stuck there. I’ve found surrounding MS, and
even in MS communities, negativity has run rampant. There’s negativity from others towards us, and then there’s the negativity that some after diagnosis can’t ever shake, and then unknowingly spew that onto others. It honestly saddens me on both ends. To live life only seeing negative aspects of every situation and to constantly be negative towards others makes life seem so hopeless.
The world can already be cruel
I for one, can’t let negativity get me down. I’ll be honest, from time to time it does, and I’m sad to say I sometimes allow it to affect me. However, I refuse to let other people’s miserable demeanors and outlooks shed any light on my views. Yep,
MS stinks. It’s taken a huge toll on my life, and I’ve
faced my demons because of it. I have determined though, after many years of dealing with this subject, that it doesn’t do any of us one bit of good. Not even a little bit. We are not stuck with negative mind-sets. In my opinion,
bettering ourselves should always be a priority, and sometimes I think people forget that, including myself. This world can already be so harsh and cruel, what good does it do to add to that?